Risk; Deep Do Do!!
is risk?
A four letter word (that doesn’t begin with
A game by Parker Bros?
Not achieving the expected outcome/goal/objective?
The probability of not achieving expected
how is uncertainty different than risk?
risks are known and may, within some variance, be measured and with some semblance
of probability, uncertainty is, as Donald Rumsfeld best stated, ‘the unknown, unknowns.’
is ephemeral (also translated as ‘vanity’)
fearing extinction of sense of self (overwhelming identified with the body),
seeks to alleviate risk and uncertainty (in futility) trying to ‘insure’
permanence, continuity and certainty – PERIOD – through acquisition.
is a tool of acquisition to minimize risk. Plain and simple, insurance is the
transference of some degree of risk. PERIOD. Insurance is based on taking a
smaller certain loss to prevent a much larger risk. (Note, though rated AAA+ by
‘so called independent insurance rating agencies,’ Mutual Benefit Life, New
England Life, Confederation Life all constructively went under.’).
and theoretically, the personal financial life planning process is one of prioritizing and aligning one’s resources
and risks to ‘insure’ or increase the probability of making the expected
outcome (the expected goal). However, as
the French (frogs) say, ‘that’s all well and good in reality, but how about the
reality is quite the opposite given:
the ‘more’ cultural categorical imperative override
derived from the prime mobile of ‘acquisition,
‘the sub derivative reality that the client
seeks ‘more,’ regardless of lip service to the opposite
Overwhelmingly, planner compensation is based to
assets under management or commission
given the above, the more, more more context & consequential more-onic
thinking is compounded and becomes normative by comparison, rationalization and
justification superseding, overruling, & countermanding assertions of the
of the distinctly different platforms of more or enough, there has been a
general acknowledgement of the following risks (though not all inclusive)
relative to ‘more’ or ‘enough’ orientations. The relative degree of each of
the following ‘risks’ has been further classified as either ‘shallow’ or ‘deep’
by author William Bernstein
Market risk
Reinvestment risk
Liquidity risk
Business risk
Tax risk
Interest rate risk
Concentration risk
Job/Career risk (1)
Inflation risk (purchasing power risk)
Deflation risk
Currency risk
Political risk
has changed as a consequence of cultural shift towards entitlement, grievance card industry membership, taking not
making (you didn’t build it), and redistribution (theft renamed) in the name of
‘fairness’ by Animal Farm (2) Fairisses, are two shallow risks that have become
potentially deep risks and more
Confiscation risk
Devastation risk
devastation can come from natural disasters (hough many would classify the so
called phony scandals of ‘IRS targeting conservative groups, Benghazi, and Obamacare as a man made
devastation disasters. But the confiscation risk potential disaster is sequentially
front and center. Yet, it is barely noticeable as the left continues to lull to sleep the country
(regardless of ‘duck’ calls’ analogous to the story of the frog in the kettle:
you drop a frog in a kettle of boiling water it will jump out immediately in
reaction to the pain. On the other hand, if you put the frog in water that is
room temperature, slowly heating it, the frog will remain in the kettle and
eventually cook to death.
deep confiscation risk starts with slowly but sequentially increasing the
Ignite with ‘hope and change’ (even if hoax and chump
Boost the temperature with a stimulus (that wasn’t shovel ready) and a summer of
job (that didn’t occur)
Increase temperature with envy having upper income ‘folks’ pay ‘little bit more’ to ‘spread the wealth’
Fuel the coveting by raising income taxes on
‘the rich’ (even though 46% pay no federal income tax), and 3.8% redistribution
tax again for upper level income people for Obamacare,
Heighten the flame with heated class warfare rhetoric
(even though the income inequality gap has become greater despite the above and
because of the above) calling makers takers and ‘you didn’t build it’ in reaction
Turn on the after burners intensifying the income
inequality pitchfork teleprompter reading while dousing and marginalizing
equality of opportunity.
thus, the frog croaks in the deep do do sleep of confiscation risk – without even
singing polliwog a yank(eed) my doodle all the day.
is asleep
Confiscation risk next election.
1.- Each job (employed source of income) has a
‘beta’ (a volatility). Most doctors income (pre-Obama) has a low
beta/volatility factor whereas those in sales (for example real estate which is
highly dependent on interest rates) has a much high volatility to their income.
2.- “All animals are equal, but some
animals are more equal than others” akin the
smug elitist so called egalitarianism of SP’s (secular progressive collectivists).