The MORE Opioid (I) of Happiness
Fun – amusement, entertainment, pleasure
Happiness – cheerfulness, glee, delight
– calmness, composure,
poise, level-headedness
Content – satisfied, pleased, sufficient
Flow – where challenge (stimulation)
engages competency such that when looking up all of a sudden 3-4 hours has
passed what seemed like 10 minutes.
Who is rich?
One who is satisfied (content?) with his portion (lot)
Ethics of the Fathers 4:1
Happiness is a sensation- a
state- externally derived & relative
typically requires higher and higher dosaging & or ((MORE)) dosages to maintain the sensation
for of altered state (not to be confused an ‘altar-ed’ state). And the pursuit
of ‘Happily Ever After’ (‘hopeium’ – a mental opiod)is a sisyphian illusion
that has made Disney billions and monetized organized religion’s pitch of
‘after life insurance’ in annual dues, pledges, contributions, and willed pecuniary
bequests while disappointing millions & getting Peggy Lee a Gold Grammy for
Is That All There Is.
Happiness corresponds to an economy, to
calculations, to weighings. It needs varieties as much as contrasts (external
comparisons- jds). Satisfaction (enough –jds) is as fatal to it as impediments.
Perpetual Euphoria, Pascal Bruckner, p37
The promise of happiness is confused &
conflated with contentment. Contentment is function of equanimity &
‘wanting what one has & is’ unlike happiness, the sensation of which is at
best fleeting and never enough. Happiness also is confussed with fun. Whereas
happiness is a state – fun is a circumstance usually tied to an event - which has a higher component of self
indulgence, absorption and yes the self idolatry of ‘its coming to me, it’s to
me, I deserve it, and or cause I say so from on high’ (a derivative of Peggy
Noonanitis.) While fun and happiness intersect at the need for higher dosaging
and dosages for their ‘hit,’ equanimity rises above the good and the bad. Akin
to a high wire walker, equanimity navigates
life using the a long pole swaying as needed left and right as walking straight
across otherwise yields a fall. Equanimity accepts the Thomas Sowell thought
‘there are no solutions only tradeoffs.’ Happiness wants T’HE solution and fun
wants it with ‘a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down the pants’
(per Chuckles The Clown’s slogan in The Mary Tyler Moore Show).
Though equanimity yields composure and
possibly allows a certain contentment, it is not a contrary to seeking ‘flow.’
Equanimity gives context – flourish to flow – so it doesn’t overflow.
The foil (Snidely Whiplash) to
equanimity is the implied worthiness of oneself of the acculturated (and
genetic?) requirement of MORE. (2) MORE
may be disguised as enough (defined as ‘just a little MORE’) but this enough is an Enough imposter.
Just a little MORE is never Enough let alone being Enough. Not Enough means
one has Less and therefore reinforces the quest & imperative of MORE for happiness, for fun, for ‘enoughness’ – requiring
increased and ever increasing dosages.
Happiness Opioid
Opioids are substances that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like
effects. Medically they are primarily used for pain relief, including
anesthesia. (Note: Opiods are not to be confused with Ron Howard who played
Oppie on The Andy Griffith Show – Mayberry RFD.)
MORE is not be confused with developing one’s chalek (portion)
endowed by Hashem. This MORE
is externally
comparative (more, better, now – compared to – which has a way of becoming
less, worse, later – sacrificing what one needs for what one doesn’t need. One
is reminded of the Zusia story in terms of comparison:
When the day
comes that I must account for my life, I will not be asked, “Why weren’t you
Moses?” I was not equipped to be Moses. But I dread the question, “Why weren’t
you Zusia?
—Reb Zusia of
Opioid Parasites II:
Seizure & Never Enough
A cheap Kia
has more appurtenances and luxuries
than did a
top-of-the line Mercedes twenty years ago
Victor Davis Hanson, The Case for Trump, p220
rationalizing & justifying their policies of theft, seizure &
confiscation, a foundational strategy of the Democrat Socialist Left is class &
economic envy & its derivative tactics:
call for redistribution (the MORE opioid) as well as
being victims of economic ‘inequality’
(besides which ‘you didn’t build it’)
The Democrat Collectivist Left points to
there the statistic that there has not been a real raise of average hourly
earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees per the Bureau of Labor
Statistics of $23.26 since 1972 (in 2019 dollars).
Actually using
the more accurate Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) index from the
Commerce department rather than the conventional CPI-W (consumer price index)
to adjust compensation results in real hourly compensation levels shows the
compensation levels are 27.7% higher (in real terms) today than they were in
statement from the leftist liberal progressive Democrats of stagnation is wrong
and one could say deliberately deceptive – not only in terms of real increase
but also in the quality of what the same compensation per hour adjusted for
2019 dollars now buys. (Thus compensation is understated and overall
inflation overstated)(4).
Gramm &
Early in The Myth of Stagflation rhetorically ask: do these numbers (from the
Bureau of Labor statistics) describe the life one has lived over the past 45
years when (in comparison with 1972):
homes today are much more spacious and modern. The proportion of homes today
that have two or more rooms per person is up 33.5%.
share of homes with two or more bathrooms has more than doubled;
air-conditioning is more than three times as common;
the share of homes that have dishwashers is up by more than two-thirds.
homes in 1972 had televisions, but only about half were color sets. Today they
are all color and most are flat screens in high definition, attached to cable
or satellites.
average home in 1972 had at least one phone, but none had cellphones or
internet access.
today are stocked with a far wider array of foods, including out-of-season
fruits brought from half a world away and a vast variety of prepared foods.
with 1972, this abundance costs an ever smaller portion of families’ budgets,
freeing up some $3,200 on average to spend on other things.
last 81.3% longer and are 72.7% safer, and many have GPS navigation and premium
sound systems.
standard model lacks air-conditioning or power steering.
share of the population with college degrees is almost three times as high.
live 7.4 years longer and their median age is almost 10 years older, yet the
proportion of people reporting poor health is 20.3% lower.
median household net worth is up 172.2%.” (1)
aforementioned brings up to “the MORE
Opioid” Parasitic Pushers Dealer tactics of The Democrats
Farm) where all are equal and some more equal than others
Napoleon (The
Pig) in Orwell’s Animal Farm
deliberately misleading compensation statistics employed by the Democrat Animal Farm Napoleononic Korachs
(2) (Pocohauntus, Sanders, Comrade AOC, reBUTTogieg, and Amy ‘(I) don’t
think there are “legitimate reasons” to investigate the people who opened the (Mueller)
investigation’ Klobuchar), are
in addition to the following to inflame, engender, & elect:
for redistribution (theft)
at income inequality and therefore rationalizations for theft
(actually have a great respect for the truth and therefore use it sparsely like
Mayor BUTTigieg stating the tax cut helps overwhelming the rich omitting:
(1) the 1% pay 37% of the taxes
(2) top 10% pay 69.47% of the
federal taxes
(3) to play the income class
envy card omit:
bottom 50% paid 3.7% of federal taxes (thus the top 1% pay 1000% more than the
bottom 50% )
bottom 90% pay 30.5%
top 50% paid 97% of total of individual taxes
(4) tax revenues are
estimated up 3.3% (from 2018 3.33 trillion to 3.44 trillion in 2019)after the
Trump tax cut – it is spending that is up as high as 9.7% (4.1 trillion to 4.5
trillion) for same period proving the Trump tax cut didn’t cut revenue. (3)
the parasitic mooching Korachian politicians ‘who appeal to the baser instinct
of envy & the MORE
opioid ‘we you being taken advantage of’ (f**ked) to justify – whether true or
Also if MORE Opioids (“MORE-fiend) are not forthcoming, then the Democrat
Pushers play The MORE
Opioids Cold Turkey Withdrawal Tactic: equality of misery – aka ‘if I can’t
have it MORE, you can’t have what you have’ or
worse, ‘if I can’t have MORE
seize, confiscate it from you, you can’t have it either.’
And the
Philistines (Comrade AOC,
Pocohauntus, Sanders et
al?) stopped up all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days
of his father Abraham, filling them with earth
Genesis 26:15
the Democrat MORE Opioid MORE-ality Withdrawal Class Envy
refrain – with apologies to the Bee Gees ‘if we can’t have it (& yours),
neither will you.’
‘I want my MTV!’ ‘I want my MORE
opioids’ and if not, we’ll plug your wells till they is no MORE
Plugging the
wells of economic freedom, & meritocracy.
Tums™ for
the Tummy & MORE-on Opioids for Envy
(1) Note an aside: statistical
deception relative to ‘quality’ considerations is not just restricted to
quality of compensation but occurs almost normatively relative to the quality
of earnings reported by public companies. As one Fortune 500 Chairman once
related to me when he asked his then Big 8 Accounting firm ‘what is my earnings
for this quarter? The reply was, ‘what do you want it to be?’ In security
analysis, there is a concept of ‘quality of earnings.’ Earnings are not
earnings are not earnings with all the games that can be played by management
and its colluding ‘independent’ accountants – to numerous to mention. And the
above ‘quality of earnings’ games is compounded by the ‘creative accounting’ of
what is called EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest taxes
depreciation and amortization.
(2) Korach – is the story of ‘good (masquerading)
reasons’ (invoking 14kt phony egalitarianism) so Korach could displace Moses
(the real reason) as the leader of the Jews. PS 14kt phony Korach got swallowed
by the earth alive – along with his acolyte followers
(3) Yet Mayor reBUTTogieg
blamed the deficit on the Trump tax cuts going to the wealthiest when revenues
increased!. Note it was Congress
increasing spending and the deficit – but this failed South Bend Mayor (all
resume, no achievement for South Bend,
many failures) engages in creative accounting – to play the income class envy
(4) Inflation is not
inflation is not inflation. Long Term Care and so called ‘higher education’
inflation runs 300-400% over the overall inflation rate. Furthermore,
inflation’s impact is a function of income level and place in life cycle.