Sunday, December 29, 2019

Seek ENOUGH(sm) in The Material: seek MORE of The Spiritual

Seek ENOUGH(sm) in The Material: seek MORE of The Spiritual

(in the spiritual)
ENOUGH (Shaddai)
                                                  seek more for
                                   less distance from Hashem (Shaddai)

                                   whereas in the material seek enough
                     The Material More...Enough....Frugality Continuum 

MORE, MORE, MORE(1) -----------‘enough’------------Frugality(2)
(1 man’s floor is another’s ceiling)

enough” may potentially integrate the material & the spiritual
(aligning means with meaning ((one’s significance-task)))
to Shaddai(*)&(3)

(*) ENOUGH(sm) Jewish Personal Financial Planing is defined as:
healing personal financial anxiety, puttin’ money in its place
to elevate, transcend, connect to one’s assignment/significance –
what one is meant to do, meant to be
enough to live on, enough to live for
re-aligning means for meaning©
ENOUGH(sm) definition

(1)    More, Better, Now has a habit (materially) of becoming less, worse, later in time
(2)     In the name of FUability, frugality has a component of fear (being under the thumb) but in the name of independence.
(3) Shaddai, in Hebrew: G-d, G-d Almighty, G-d All Sufficient, Enough! (There is no word for Hashem (G-d) of the 50+++ words and phrases that translates to 'more'

Friday, December 20, 2019

Enough in the material; MORE in the spiritual

Enough in the material; MORE in the spiritual 
Relative to this  material world, from a Judaic perspective, Shaddai is Enough (see Genesis 33). If anything, we don’t own but as caretakers – shomer tov (good guardians) – rather we are to own UP to (spiritualizing the material) remembering Leviticus ‘this land is mine. You are but wayfarers.’ Thus seeking more for more’s sake and for me, my, mine – (often sacrificing what is needed -enough & Enough ((Shaddai)) - for what is not needed) has not the unusual following outcome: more (MORE) better now becomes less worse later.
In contrast, for the spiritual, we should seek to ‘accumulate’ (even pre-mature accumulation!) MORE! Why? For closer and closer proximity connection, reconnection, continuing connection - attachment to Shaddai) as ‘enough is not enough’ in continuing to complete the incompletions of our soul in this life’s soul curriculum.


Per Genesis, unlike the other 5 days of creation & the one day of rest, on the second day – there was no creation. There was material separation – night from day etc.
Separation (kedosh in Hebrew which also means holy) was & is necessary for order as distinct from chaos (i.e. today’s multi moralities spun as multi culturalism, diversity, and assertions of ‘my truth’ by the likes of #metoo$ue for example.) Paradoxically, while there is the cliché – out of sight,- out of mind, separation is also necessary for closeness – as absence does make the heart grow fonder. (As one Jewiss ((how’s that for lingo of the past)) once stated, after separation per the mikvah and her period, “it’s like we are honeymooners again!”)
And yet, spiritually, we seek connection, reconnection, continuing connection – attachment rather than separation. If anything, Judaically, the concept isn’t evil per se but distance separation from Hashem. Thus, in this material life, in spiritualizing the material, we are separate for our assignment/significance – our ‘orders’ - in manifesting our spark of the divine developing our chalek (portion). And with manifesting this separation / holiness for order in this material creation, there is a furthering toward connecting, reconnecting, continuing connecting for our return reducing our distance from Hashem
In materializing the spiritual – separation for closeness and order for holiness.
In spiritualizing the material there  is narrowing of distance advancing proximity, closeness – for the homecoming of return to Shaddai – The Enough.

Enough Said