as a kid – keeping the lights on at bedtime (at least in the hallway)?
the comic strip of Calvin and Hobbes, where Calvin (as well as his stuffed
Tiger Hobbes) feared the boogieman under the bed (or in the closet)–and the
boogeyman would talk back to them causing them even greater fright?
Admit or
not, at some point, most of us as kids wanted before going to bed the lights on
in the hall and the door ajar.
(I use to
make rounds making sure my parents locked doors – not that I was anal retentive
at 6 or 7).
You never get rid of shtick
Rabbi Henoch Dov Hoffman
Nor Boogiemanitis©.
just manifests taking on different forms from when we were 6 or 7 now to our
20’s, 30’s, 40’s and especially 50’s on and is a sub derivative in its
personal financial planning emanating from the idolization of MORE believing it
would keep the boogieman (risk) at bay along with lights on and the door ajar.
MORE and MOREonic behavior, itself, is a derivative of the idol of acquisition examined in several prior
Everybody’s doin’
Doin’ it
Doin’ it
Pickin’ their nose
And chewin’ it
Chewin’ it
Lamberton Elementary School Ditty about ‘Boogers’
problem: even having ‘Enough’ per personal financial planning life goals, still,
solve boogieman number 1 and boogieman two is promoted (or boggieman #1 mutates
into boogieman #2 bigger, more threatening and even if the potential problems
(risks) are less probable in occurrence though high seriousness i.e. think a
hurricane in Alaska.
A story
(names changed to protect the afflicted).
A wealthy individual ‘Paulie’ (never a client), with more,
more, more than enough relative to
his personal financial goals has always felt the United States was coming to an end.
So 20+ years ago, Paulie bought land down under to eventually so as to become
self sufficient. Finally, many years later, the land – his farm was complete
with wind power, and many different crops coming in for the first time. And
what happened upon this momentous – “I Shot The Boogieman” (think the song I
Shot The Sheriff) occasion?
parrots wiped out the crops.
Paulie went ‘crackers’
Cream of
the crops became cream of the crap.
What’s it all
about, Boogieman(?)
(Apologies To What’s It All About, Alfie & Michael
has become hard wired reinforcing the never ending quest for MORE. The
Boogiemanitis© strain may have even mutated into our genetics – passed through (like
kidney stones?) from generation to degeneration. And yet, this self inflicted Boogiemanitis©
(1) despite habituation has it payoffs, in particular, structuring time to
- What next and finding meaning IN one’s life
- Questions of faith and trust
And so Boogiemanitis© becomes synonymous with ‘RISK’ (real
or imagined– as there is always another risk real or imagined Boogieman Jones
in Boogiemanitis©) which fills these ‘avoids’ – whether under the bed,
with the lights on or off, door ajar or closed – still pickin’ it and chewin’
it. (2)
Boogiemanitis© – It’s A Booger!
Unlike the rest of us, one unusual friend stated without
‘master of the universe hubris’, ‘whatever the situation (financially etc.),
somehow I’ll figure it out (and survive).’
Go figure?
For most ‘go figure’ results in figure
8’s being the proverbial 8 ball of anxiety.
There may be inoculation (by faith and trust) but still
there isn’t a cure for this boogiemanitis© which is acculturated by idolizing
MORE as its savior – though there is never ENOUGH (or as John D. Rockefeller
when asked, ‘what was enough’ he answered ‘a little more.’)
A story I’ve
related several times.
harvest time.
elderly man depends on his one and only son to bring in the harvest. Just one
week before harvest time, his son falls off his horse breaking his leg.
man’s neighbors ask, ‘who will bring in the harvest for you?’
elderly man, in faith, replies, ‘you never know. You never know.’
few days later the Cossacks (The Boogers) arrive conscripting all young able
body men into their armed forces – except the elderly man’s son with a broken
never know.
never know.
Trust, is a belief that one won’t be
betrayed. Thus, trust is an absence of a negative with the hope the other will
there.’ But it is the fear of betrayal that is the breakfast of Boogiemanitis© champions. Faith,
in contrast, as this observer sees it, is gam zu la tova (this is the the best) even
though it doesn’t appear so at the time as ‘you never know.’
third leg for inoculation management of Boogiemanitis© is the realization of
one’s own adaptability and
of the personal financial planning process is constructing balance sheets as
well as running objectives versus resources analysis (to present value even
with probability analysis). Assets (liquid, illiquid income producing,
illiquid) are analyzed, matched and offset against objectives and liabilities
and their time horizons. However, never ever in 20 years of practice and 41
years of writing has a client or reader suggested to me that their own
adaptability and resourcefulness (which created the ‘net worth’(3) ((other than
lucky sperm club members))with God’s blessing)
should be accounted for in the analysis. Certainly, my friend –
consciously or subconsciously ‘figures’ his adaptability and
resourcefulness in his calculations given his statement and by my observation
of his exhibited behavior.
for others, not one in those 40 plus years has mentioned their adaptability and
resourcefulness (other than bravado).
It is one thing to fight the dragon; another to slay the dragon; but
the real trick is embrace the dragon (and make it useful)
(Someone’s Adage)
discount the recognition, belief and yes, trust, in our own adaptability and
resourcefulness to lower the fever of Boogermanitis© (4) though not cure it as
you ‘don’t get rid of shtick’ or Boogiemanitis©.’ (Boogidity, Boogidity, Shoot
and miss, darn it).
great Rabbi Hillel was asked by a wise guy to explain all of Judaism while
standing on one foot. Rabbi Hillel responded with the ‘silver rule’ (5), ‘don’t
do unto others that which is unpleasant to you. The rest is commentary. Go
the rest on Boogiemanitis© is commentary – GO FIGURE.
CHEWish on This©
(1).-I can just see the self esteem happiness
psychobabbaltariat huckstering – medicalizing this as a condition as the cash
cows of happiness and self esteem halaria wane)
(2).- Boogiemanitis© may be managed (but never cured) by
altered states: vices, addictions, sports – kicking the Boogiemanitis© down the
road till tomorrow. See the Shtup Fund’s™ Altered State©
for prospectus and offering to get in on the potential profits from companies
catering to Boogiemanitis©
(3) – “The Net” of assets less liabilities is referred to
as ‘Net Worth’ as if one’s net worthiness is a function of this ‘netting.’ Yet
no where on the asset (nor liability sheet) is acknowledgment of one’s
abilities, adaptability nor resourcefulness as either assets or liabilities.
(4)- An exercise: list four instances of difficulties and
next to each how you got out of the difficulty and may have even benefited by
your adaptability and resourcefulness.
(5) – The silver rule preceded the golden rule
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