Continuing Connection
Part IV: Picking Pet Health Insurance #2
Your Dog Will Thank
to Schwartz’s Insurance Law (what good is a Cadillac with no gas in the repair
shop, or what good is a Yugo, with gas, in the repair shot all the time): while
pet health insurance coverage has become better since the 1990’s that’s a
relative statement like – being the winner in a beauty contest of uglies.
there are carrier(s) that:
Have good coverage, a deductible per year (not
per incident) but an insurer that has 3.84 per 100 complaints (which is only
closed complaints not open nor ‘the hell with it’ complaints figured in which
could mean 3, 4, 5 times the amount – not getting paid, getting paid less on
claim etc.
Have very good coverage, but a non rated insurer
(Yugo) behind it
Have a very good carrier, but go by condition
for each deductible and tried to take symptoms like diarrhea (which 30%+ of
puppies have) to be pre-existing illnesses to deny coverage
Giveth on one hand – and taketh on the other
when examining policy language
Have unlimited catastrophic coverage in total –
but limited per incident
You get the idea
– gotchas, gotchas, gotchas …handing you an umbrella when it isn’t going to
So here is the
checklist if you choose a pet health insurer
A+ Bests and or AA S&P rating (remember no
guarantee as Mutual Benefit Life went down with a AAA and A+ rating &
remember all those mortgages in the meltdown of 2008 that were A+ rated by
those bastion of integrity rating agencies
No exclusions for hereditary conditions
Yearly deductible preferable, secondarily per
condition, lastly per incident
(What this
means is once you meet the deductible for the year then reimbursement
begins whereas, on per incident there is a deductible for each occurrence covered.
So if you have 4 incidents during the year – a new deductible for each during
the year. As for per condition, a new deductible for each condition
though not each incident of the condition during the year.)
Minimum $15,000 lifetime coverage – preferable at least
$10,000 per year coverage restored each year – and not limited by a per
(For example a
policy that states for example $50,000 lifetime coverage but has a $2500 per
incident coverage effectively
eviscerates the coverage given a $5000 injury is only covered to the extent of
$2500 despite the $50,000 supposed coverage. This is handing you an umbrella
when it isn’t going to rain.)
Preferable: alternative care is standard (acupuncture,
homeopathy, chiropractic, etc under the supervision of a veterinarian)
Pre-existing illnesses – restored coverage after being
1 year or less condition free
Waiting period before coverage begins – 30 days or less
Coinsurance after the deductible is split minimum 80% paid
by the carrier, 20% by the guardian
As long as premiums are paid and current – the policy
can’t be cancelled.
10. An
NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) ratio that is less than
average for the property and casualty category (which pet health insurance
carrier fit within
If the average in
the property and casualty area (remember companion animals by law are property
and even though the policy sold is ‘Pet Health Insurance’ the carrier for pet
insurance purposes is classified as under property and casualty. So if the
average complaints in the area is is 1 per 100 less than 1 is preferable – 3.84
as is the case of the insurer of one Pet Health Insurer is a red light.
THE ALTERNATIVES: (one that exists and
one that should exist but doesn’t):
- Self insurance (which has it’s drawbacks)
- Bundled Pet Health Insurance as a rider/option or ‘contingent policy’ to one’s homowners or renters policy (remember again by law companion animals are personal property like a toaster) given floaters (options) are normal and customary for jewelry, firearms, furs (all personal property) on homeowners policies & 70%+ of jewelry, firearms, and furs – DON’T sleep in their owners bed as dogs do (Sealy Study)
& DISCLOSURE #1 ALERT I have a patent for – to put the pet health
insurance on your homeowner’s policy – which hasn’t happened though I have been
working at this since 1998 which I’ll discuss after later.
& DISCLOSURE #2 ALERT I have a pet insurance policy on Simcha
and Goodie. I have had long waits on payments – in one instance the insurer –
no kidding - held up payment because they couldn’t get info from a Vet Clinic –
which I hadn’t used in 10 years (let alone for these dogs) – and that they
didn’t have the insurance on (Talk About Dog ID Theft – Lifelock™ may have
another potential market). Seriously. But both Simcha & Goodie have now
what might be considered preexisting conditions – so I’ll stay and fight as I
am used to the shennigans of pet insurers now. Besides, the now documented
actions of the insurer will make good copy for my blog & potentially
another book as well my continued motivation (now 16+ years) for the disruptive
distribution of pet insurance on homeowner’s policies concept.
SELF INSURANCE (self insuring the potential risks rather than transferring
the risks)
But first
understand the insurance is risk transference. You can either self insure a
risk or part of the risk – or transfer part or all of the risk – to an
‘insurer’ The discussion of self insurance next is excerpted from my book Trust
Me: I’m Not A Veterinarian 2008 and updated to 2016
Steps To Consider
Let’s face it, there is no such thing as a free dog or cat.
Whether it’s original cost, destruction, vet bills, etc. – companion animals
are costly (but, from a cost benefit ratio, I contend, very inexpensive
((compared to raising a child -$250,000+ , sending him or her to college
another $100,000 to $200,000++ for them to come home without a job and resent
you – sarcasm intended)). Therefore, instead of wasting money on pet insurance
premiums until real, affordable, no games-gotchas, convenient major medical pet
health insurance comes to fruition, I suggest the might suggest the following
with noted cavaets:
Self-Insure: for each
companion animal put aside initially $500 -$1000 and then $50-$75 a month in a
separate account. (For example, I have set up my own self insurance for each of
my dogs – investing in Vanguard Health mutual fund.)
The positive of this approach is 100 cents on a dollar
(other than gains or losses on your chosen investment) are available to pay
healthcare costs versus maybe 60 cents from a dollar of insurance premium. (After
commissions, administration, marketing costs – typically 60 cents are available
for claims.)
The negative – God forbid a major illness(s) or accident(s)
occurs of a magnitude of $5000 in the first couple years – the amount
accumulated may not or would not be sufficient to offset the total cost of the
$5000 illness injury, but neither would any existing pet health insurance with
a $2500 per-incident limit or, worse, inner limits (lowered maximums per
illness or injury) when you’ve accumulated only $2300 to $3700 (giving no value
to investment gains or loses).
the case - $5000 injury or illness at the end of three-years
Self Insurance vs Today’s Pet Health
Accumulation (Initial Deposit) $500 $1000
Earnings at 6% after tax 95 191
Per month deposit
$35 $1260 $1260
6% earn. After tax
116 116
Total available $1971 $2567
$50 $1800 $1800
6% earn
After tax 167
Available $2562 $3158
$75 $2700 $2700
6% earn
After tax 250
Total Available $3545 $4141
For $5000
Of course, you could have paid $30 - $50+ per month (much more in 2016- jds) depending on age
etc, with the $2500 per incident limitation. You would have paid out the
$35/mo $45/mo $50/mo
Premiums $1260 $1620 $1800
Loss of earnings @ 6% 116 150 166
$2500 of the $5000 claim $2500 $2500 $2500
Out of pocket on $5000 $3876 $4270 $4466
Net insurance coverage $1124 $780 $534
Of course, if you have no claims, you are ahead by self
insuring $3545-$4141 versus having paid premium of $1260 to $1800 (not
including lost earnings during the period.)
However, if the
investments made go sour – then there will be one can make the argument
insuring would be preferable. However, what do you think insurers invest in? So
their investment portfolios will suffer as well. How does this effect you given
your coverage in the contract? Underwriting of claims gets ‘tougher’ – trying
to chisel and weasel out of claims or reducing claim costs as less is available
to pay claims. Of course, that never happens at insurers – who live and die
(figuratively) to reduce their claim loss ratio 1/10th of 1% which
would be a cause for celebration at insurer’s home office – lampshades on heads
and all. (Note: I espouse this opinion as
a conservative Republican not some bleeding heart liberal/progressive.)
Self-insurance is still a viable alternative to today’s
insurance (considering gotchas, or non rated underlying insurers) the longer
the time till a big claim (and remember, not even calculated in this contrast
is the fact that today’s pet insurance premiums typically rise annually – and
at the 7th + year in come policies the coverage actually decreases.)
The time when today’s questionable pet health insurance
wins versus this self-insurance is in the first year or two – assuming there
are no inner limits, no ‘continuing coverage claims’, etc. – is the large claim
So until real, affordable, no games “gotchas” major medical
pet insurance is available as described
previously, given the history with pet insurer claims, etc., my choice is to
self-insure which, in effect, is the recommendation of Consumer Reports which
prefers paying ‘out of pocket’ to today’s Pet Health Insurance coverage should
be considered as an alternative.
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