The Will To Meaning & Enough Personal
Financial Life Planning:
Why We Seek More Beyond Enough (Financial)
Shaddai: God, God Almighty, God All
Sufficient, Enough
What is the impetus behind the hamster
wheel pursuit of More beyond Enough (financially)?
There are haves, have nots, and have
little want some more
(which is never Enough)
As a retired fee only planner and
author in personal financial life planning, I’ve heard many of the following ‘presentational’
rationalizations & justifications for seeking More, More, More beyond already
having enough or being on track to enough (and taking additional risk):
in case ‘I need more to have Enough’
never know (the fear of deprivation)
– just a little more (and more, and more, and more)
redirect to other purposes: political, charitable, etc
you are not growing you slowing
of potential low low low risks with high seriousness (that more wouldn’t save in any case)
behavior - It’s what I do and know
comparative status
One could theorize More (and more-onic
behavior) is:
- Acculturated
(more is better, more solves the fear of deprivation) and thus more becomes
habituated – consciously or unconsciously and or
- A
function of external comparison (‘status’) pecking order for one’s
validation ‘I did better than The Dow Jones therefore I am’ or ‘to
beat the Dow Jones or not to beat the Dow- that is the question – tis
nobler to endure the slings of outrageous market swings…”
But what is really the drive behind
this ‘more – moreon – imperative’ that
it avoids while seeking means beyond financially enough (even putting enough
at risk fiscally)?
to deal with the will to meaning (Frankel) – ‘why am I?’ and
derivatively finding meaning IN one’s life to matter
Man insists not only being satisfied
(enough in Latin- jds) but also on being able to satisfy; on being a need, not
only having needs.
Abraham, Heschel, Man Is Not Alone,
p 193
Story 1972
Contemplating going to be fee only
personal financial planner, I interviewed many in the financial services
business. I would bring up the subject of linking personal financial resources
to life goals.
In one interview with a then manager
of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance, I was stopped short before I could
expound on the question with the gentleman responding:
“You are making more of life goals and
financial resources than really is the reality. The reality? We are born, we
grow up, go to school, get married, retired and then we die.’
PS Connecticut Mutual was subsequently
merged out (really saved from going under)
Everything, by its
nature, desires to complete itself
Learning from the Tanya, Volume 2 p122, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Original Incompletion
- the following is this writer’s foundation assumption of concept which it is
man’s task is continuing to complete the incompletions of his soul INside out
(spiritualizing the material, materializing the spiritual) which is in contrast
to the Originals (1):
Where ideally does personal financial
life planning and Enough (both financial as Shaddai) interconnect? At the
‘crossroads’ of Meaning be it @ 777 Meaning Parkway, 40 Meaning Causeway,
or 18 Meaning Becauseway??
Meaning (satisfying (2)) to manifest
one’s will to meaning.
In particular, this meaning is: Meaning
IN one’s life to matter INside out – harmonizing & aligning meaning and the
means for enough & one’s will to meaning.
Enough doesn’t guarantee meaning but
rather the means if required for the pursuit of meaning INside & INsight
The personal financial planning
business/industry (notice profession is
absent in this labeling) has failed – double crossed against ‘the
light’ at the boulevard. It
neglected (other than a wink if that) linking, harmonizing, let alone meaning,
enough, and personal financial life planning – preferring ‘more, more, more –
the ideology,’ per Edward Abbey ‘of a cancer cell.’
Who is rich? One who is satisfied with
his lot.
Who is strong? One who overpowers his
inclinations (3)
Ethics of the Fathers 4:1
Finally Yaakov (Jacob) and Esau met.
Both were in biblical terms wealthy. Having avoided Esau all the years for fear
of Esau’s retribution for Yaakov’s finagling – conning Esau out of the
birthright and blessing, Yaakov prayed, prepared for war, and now sought to
appease with gifts to Esau of great great value. Initially, Esau demurred but
finally accepted. When Esau inquired why the large bequests to him by Yaakov,
Yaakov answered to paraphrase, ‘I have plenty – I have ENOUGH.’
Yaakov’s ENOUGH?
The Originals:
- Original Defectiveness (Orthodox & Conservative
Judaism) – man is deficient, lacking, flawed
- Original Dreck (Reform, Reconstructionist
Judaism etc)– man is a piece of crap (inadequate) around which the world
- Original Sin – I am wrong, ‘missing the mark,’ transgressing, even bad or
- Original Innocence (Progressives – snowflakes,
crybullies) - man is good – it’s
the system that is bad, fix the system and all will be right in the world
(OUTside In
– satisfied, satisfying, satisfactory
derives from the Latin for ‘enough.’ Notice how culturally we disdain
‘statis as in satisfactory’ by a ‘C’ on a report card isn’t excellent, isn’t
good, it’s just average. Thus enough is imbued with merely be average which
doesn’t even quality for Lake
Wobegon “where all the women are strong, all the men are
good-looking, and all the children are above average.".
– including his or her ‘more-on’ inclination