Giving Short Shrift To F.I.R.E & Fire IN The Belly
By F.I.R.E.brand Jim Schwartz
First they ignore, then
they ridicule, and finally take credit for the idea
are good reasons, real reasons, and real good real reasons. The objections to
F.I.R.E. concept – in particular sequence of rate of return risk – is a good
reason. Still one can only wonder, given no offered solutions (but plenty or
dismissal), if the real reason questioning F.I.R.E is so called planners
protecting their already systemically compressing AUM (assets under management)
compensation model.
Stipulating to giving the benefit of
the doubt to the objection is but a ‘good reason’ rather than a Trojan Horse
for the real reason, the objectors and ankle biters are missing the point at the
heart of the matter: meaning.
The will to meaning
Viktor Frankel
Personal Financial Planning is a
misnomer. It is really financial planning of personally assets with a winkie
winkie –to ‘personal’ for marketing
reasons. The ‘personal’ doesn’t pay when the compensation model is based to the
intangible financial assets – especially in the AUM model. In effect AUM makes second class citizens out of asset
protection (risk management), estate planning etc. When the emphasis is
managing assets instead of managing goals – the reality is financial planning
of personally held assets not personal financial planning.
Personal financial planning – better
yet – personal financial life planning (to borrow a phrase coined by Mitch
Anthony) goes to the question of aligning personal resources to life goals –
meaning. Per my Enough definition personal financial life planning is ‘healing
personal financial anxiety, putting money in its place, to transcend, elevate,
align & connect to one’s significance/assignment (meaning) – what one was
meant to do; meant to be - enough to live for, enough to live on.’©
Notice the phrase one’s
significance/assignment (meaning)
F.I.R.E., in great part, is a reaction
to the lack of meaning particularly for millennials – who wish to move on from
their less than meaningful compensated endeavors.
Both F.I.R.E. and systemically (regardless
of compensation method) personal financial planners (who have forgot the
calling of ‘personal’ in personal financial planning) haven’t given commensurate
focus to meaning IN one’s life.
F.I.R.E may cultivate the right thing
(becoming personally financial independent) but inefficiently (if not coupled
to one’s significance/assignment). So what if one no longer has ‘the man’s’
boot or the woman’s high heel’ on his or her neck, if the spouse is complaining
‘for better or worse but not for lunch?’ So what if another spouse in
kvetching, “put him or her back to work, he or she is putting my spices in
alphabetical order.” (True story). Without defining meaning/assignment/significance
– there is LACK (Lacktose intolerance) and not unusual recycling back to
habituated more for more’s sake which is the ideology of a cancer cell (Edward
Abbey) and more, better, now has a habit of becoming less, worse, later
So systemically the financial planning
(notice the omission of personal) have failed to enable FIRE IN the belly let
alone reduce the ‘is that all there is’ (per Peggy Lee Song) let alone healing
personal financial anxiety – putting money in its place to connect and align to
client’s significance assignment/meaning – to sell more, more, more – and try
to put out the F.I.R.E with objections..
Now the roots of F.I.R.E. one can
dispute. By way of full disclosure, while the first edition of my book Enough
was 1992 (second edition) 1995, I was writing on Enough from 1977 with at the
first what was to be NAPFA conference (for which I am one of the co founders
with John Sestina and the late Bob Underwood) in 1985. The organizers had to
run down 3 or 4 times to make more copies of my More vs Enough and what would
be titled The Personal Prospectus when my books were published.
Joe Dominquez (Vicki Robin was his co
writer second billing) beat me to the punch on enough but our enoughs are quite
different. Consider a continuum from more at one end to frugality at the other
(shining one’s shoes with a banana peel as one Kiplinger’s cover had it during
that time). Joe’s enough and gzingis pins etc was towards frugality, whereas my
approach is ‘one man’s floor is another man’s ceiling.’ Another key difference
– was getting to and focusing on meaning IN one’s life for which the assets are
aligned to support.
The question of meaning & how to
is beyond the scope of this essay – but it is certainly not the ‘life planning’
of ‘I’m your friend’ to keep the AUM percentage from compression. Hint – there
has to be an empirical basis – not hope (hopeium) wishes, and wet dreams.
The responses to F.I.R.E therefore are
defensive rather than self reflective, not speaking to sequence of rate of
return to assist, and fail to take responsibility in part for financial
planning masquerading in ‘personal’ clothing – not addressing – rather just
winking – what FIRE is a reaction to – for utilizing personal assets for one’s
will to meaning and values.
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