The Necessity of More as a Test (Nes)* of
& for Enough (Shaddai)
Is More, better,
NOW** but a necessary test of and for Enough (Shaddai)?
In the animated film, Megamind,
super-villain of aforementioned name Megamind (the voice of Will Ferrell) kills
his nemesis good-guy hero Metro Man
(Brad Pitt). Thereafter, Megamind becomes bored since there is no one left to
fight. Meagmind ‘turns’ (in rasslin vernacular) becoming a hero engaging
villain Titan (Jonah Hill) using his powers now for good
But herein lies the question, ‘would
there be any heroes without adversaries -
villains?’ How can one be heroic the challenge? How can coal become the
diamond without pressure?’ How can clothes get clean without the agitator in
the washing machine?
In Judaism, there is the yetzer tov
(the good inclination) and the yetzer hara (some say evil others say
adversarial inclination. And yet, as Rabbinical thought goes, without the yetzer
hara no one would even go to work.
Shaddai: God, God Almighty, God All
Sufficient, Enough
rasslin’ with the angel and also becoming alternatively Israel in
spiritual matters, Jacob
to appease, make peace (repay??) Esau for securing the birthright under duress
as well as impersonating Esau for Isaac’s blessing, Jacob had prepared to offer
Esau a king’s ransom (also while
confronted by Esau’s 400 men/army).
Esau finally ‘reluctantly’ accepted the
offering supposedly due to Jacob’s ‘insistence’ despite Esau’s assertions of ‘having plenty, having enough, having much”
aka MORE. Obviously, Esau’s statements of having ‘enough, all, everything,
plenty’ wasn’t enough as acceptance was rationalized as an accommodation to
Jacob’s urging.
Jacob, the conniver turns hero stating
that he ‘has everything, he has all’ (per translations) meaning ‘all and
everything’ is God – Shaddai (who is ‘enough’). Thus, for Jacob (now
alternatively Israel
after rasslin’ with the ‘angel’) and now confronting Esau - Shaddai was enough
(everything, all).
The MOREal: More was a test of & for Enough (Shaddai) for Jacob to alternatively become Israel. And More is a testing of our faith in Shaddai being ‘Enough’ – an underlying
trial of our MOREality choosing Shaddai or More.
Thus, the question: How can there be Enough-
Shaddai without the test of More?
For now over 40 years I have written
about more vs enough. Over those years, ENOUGH(sm) has evolved in definition
from ‘clientele realizable goal determination coordinated with orderly plans
for their desired payoffs’ to ‘healing
personal financial anxiety, puttin’ money in its place, to elevate, transcend,
align and connect to one’s
significance/assignment – what one is meant to do, meant to be – enough to
live for, enough to live on.’ And while ENOUGH(sm)
has evolved, the More More More paradigm, heuristic, filter unquestioned
pretense of personal financial planning– has remained constant as ‘the savior.’ More remains the ever present foil and it
would seem the necessary adversary of ENOUGH(sm).
is appears that More More More is a derivative of the the yetzer hara
- the Yetzer More
(the More/ MOREon inclination). This yetzer More inclination if not genetic otherwise has become so
acculturated (across political and economic systems regardless of
rationalizations otherwise). This yetzer More inclination is akin to the villain necessary for there to
be heroes for the coal to become the diamond. This yetzer More tests faith in 1) Shaddai as enough and secondarily 2) of
one’s adaptability and resourcefulness derived from Shaddai.
The More More More – yetzer More Inclination presents itself in a binary
from the profane to the profound (if one
reads the following from the bottom to the top rather than top to bottom in the
THE More More More BINARY LADDER Designation
if you are WORTHY you are god
whereas if you are
(just 1 'o' difference from
are DRECK.
é é
if you are GOOD, you are WORTHY
if you are BAD, you are
é é
if you are a WINNER, you are GOOD
if you
are a LOSER, you
é é
if you
are a BETTER, you are better you're a WINNER
if you are WORSE, you are a LOSER
é é
if you are MORE - you are a BETTER if
you get LESS you are a
é é
If right get -- MORE
you get LESS
é é
you are RIGHT
you are WRONG
if you are useful, of service, functional if
you are NOT very useful, of service functional
Yet, the yetzer
More isn’t & won’t be vanquished (as it will
only be displaced like a squeezed balloon). The question is how does one deal
with the yetzer More as it’s one thing to fight
the dragon, another to slay the dragon and a third to embrace the dragon – in a
sense grapplin’ with the angel as Jacob did to also become Israel.
And that’s the test of More versus Shaddai
CHEWish on This©
More OR LE$$
* Nes in Hebrew means not only ‘test’ but also ‘miracle’
** More, better,
NOW! has a habit of becoming less, worse,
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