The “Overlooked” Family Member In
Personal Financial Living Planning©
Yes – our companion animals despite the
(1) 90% plus consider their dog(s) part of
the family
(2) 70%++ of dogs sleep in their
‘guardian’s bed
(3) Speaking of the label ‘guardian(s)’ –
even a Farmers’ commercial referred to guardians/owners now as ‘pet parent(s)’
– not to mention the ongoing Subaru campaign starring dogs in the driver’s
seats (what next new Honda SUV – The Hounda?)
(4) Expenditures on companion animals
increased 8%++ annually even during the recession
(5) The fastest growing demographic of
companion animal co-habitation age 50+ with 3 or more dogs and or cats
(6) 19% of seniors (age 65+) are
technically orphans – no family. Who do you think take on the primary role of
companionship – family for these individuals?
(7) Our companion animals don’t cost
$250,000++ to raise another $100,000+++ to send to college to only come home
jobless, living in the basement – resenting parents. (Do the cost benefit!!)
The Most Important Things
In Life Aren’t Things
When speaking to audiences relative to
our dogs and cats (be it on over vaccination, my book Trust Me: I’m Not A
Veterinarian in 2008, etc, I begin my talk with the following audience
participation question:
“Remember when you were in elementary
school – in particular first grade when the teacher asked you to put your head
down & cover your eyes. Then your teacher (mine was Ms. Reed) would precede
to ask a question for you to raise your hand – yes or no? Humor me. Please do
the same. Now, raise you hand – no peeking your neighbor to your left or right
especially if it is your spouse – raise
your hand if your tell your dog you love him or her more often than your spouse
or insignificant other?”
When the tittering laughter dies down
and I reiterate the question, unless the guy (usually unmarried) was on the
make, 95% to 100% would raise their hands. Worse, I’d follow up with the
question, ‘while keeping your heads down still, how many say ‘I love
you daily to your dog by 4 or more times to your dog than your
spouse/significant other?’ With hesitation and a bit of embarrassed
laughter the raised hands percentage was similar.
Once, I followed up with asking a show
of hands as to ‘how many have in your
wallets (not just smartphones) a picture of their kids and or grandkids?
Most raised their hand. Then, I then would ‘ask
how many have a picture or pictures of their dogs?’ Just as many or more
would raise their hands. ( I didn’t tempt the fates a third time asking for
hands of those with a picture of their spouse in their wallets.)
The Most Important Things
In Life Aren’t Things
Focusing on our overlooked ‘members’ of
the family presents a great unmet opportunity for personal financial living
planners relative to client’s living and continuation (estate) values, concerns
and objectives for their companion animals.
In particular, in the personal
financial living planning fact find sessions – consider asking the following:
Relative to your companion animals
(1) Have you considered pet health insurance?
If not, why not? If so, which one? Do an audit (see below)
(2) Do you have special instructions
(medical otherwise) in your refrigerator (first responders look in the
refrigerator as to your own medications anyway)
(3) Do you have a USB for your pet’s collar
in case of being lost and any special health concerns (like pcpetid
(4) On your front and back doors in case of
fire etc – do you have stickers (hopefully fire and or chemical resistant) to
alert responders?
(5) In case of separation or divorce, do
you have a ‘prepuptial agreement?’
(6) Do you have a pet protection agreement
naming successor guardians if necessary due to incapacitating disability or
death (legal zoom has one for less than $50)
(7) More importantly, do you have a pet
trust set up to be funded upon your passing with instructions?
In every guardian’s life, the time will
come to help their companion animal pass on – I prefer graduate – until again
as away never gone. The veterinarians’ compassionate as they may be typically
will tell the guardian ‘you’ll know when’ which was not acceptable to me.
So in my 2008 book, Trust Me: I’m
Not A Veterinarian, I created a simple spread sheet – as a tool to help for
knowing when by the same title. Vertically down the first column were factors
such as Acute Pain (cries/ whimpering/can no longer walk; Chronic Pain (can’t
get up without help, stiff, gets up slower and slower, doesn’t want to be
touched); as well as other categories and subcategories including Mobility;
Dignity: Eating; Indifference; and Other. And horizontally was sequentially
days 1 thru 14 or greater. Each day the guardian from 1-10 (1 being worst)
would rate the factor – looking at the trend.
Knowing When is a tool to help make
decision – just a tool – but better than just making the decision during this
emotional onslaught of should I, could I, if I don’ts. Etc.
I believe this tool has helped more
than a few during a very emotional of time – and your clients might appreciate
Now let’s talk Pet Health Insurance.
First, full disclosure: In 2007 I was
awarded as the inventor a patent (only 1 out of 1000 at the time in the ‘705’
category since 1977) to bundle pet health insurance on homeowner’s, health, and
other policies. Conceptually, given lower acquisition costs this should reduce
premiums be more convenient and without
the gotchas described below.
Second, Schwartz’s Law on Insurance
selection (not just for pet health insurance): what good is a Mercedes
(excellent coverage), if the care has no gas (the insurer is not financial
strong), and in the shop all the time (high complaint ratio ((note complaint
ratios reflect only closed complaints – so multiply by 4 to 5 times)))?
In Britain,
30% have pet health insurance while in Sweden
and Switzerland
the pet health insurance market penetration has been estimated at 50%. So then
why after 30 years, 200 million dogs and cats in US households growing at 5%
(200% faster than kids) and America spending as much as 20%++ more than its
European counterparts, is there less than a 2% penetration of pet health
insurance in the U.S.?
Because the policies have been poo like
handing one an umbrella when it isn’t going to rain (one past insurer indicated
after a deductible 80% coverage up the a $10,000 maximum. However, not only was
the the $10,000 limited to $2500 per incident but the per incident had ‘inner
limits.’ A hypothetical example, a $2,000 back situation should be covered even
with a $2500 per incident limit yet the inner limit for the procedure was $400
and that was before the deductible and 20% copay rendering the payment less
than $300. Today, in a beauty contest of uglies the standalone policies are
getting somewhat better. Even today’s policies are less than ideal given
practices such as:
(1) Slow claim payment – (one major AAA rated
company – who subsequently left the market – was fined several times in Colorado under the
prompt claims statute)
(2) A major affinity endorsed pet health
insurer – says they have an 80/20 policy after a $500 deductible but for
example on a $600 claim, take 20% off the top to arrive at $480 (and so instead
of getting $80 – viola – no reimbursement!). No kidding.
(3) Others play the per incident game saying you
have $10,000+ coverage but only $2500- to $3000 per incident
(4) Then there is diarrhea symptom
exclusion game. 30%+ of puppies get diarrhea. Then if a puppy (assuming the
wait period is over) has some other illness where there is diarrhea a symptom
of the new illness – they try to exclude the illness as preexisting
(5) Of course there is the bilateral
exclusion game – an insured has a hip problem that is fixed. Three years go by
and the guardian has secured another insurer. The other hip needs repair –
sorry – even after three years – even after any exclusion period of being free
in clear – no coverage
(6) How about the slow walk of ‘seeking
additional veterinary information’ and they hold up the claim – seeking other
hospitals of pets you ‘owned’ health information they didn’t even cover
This is just a sampling of the gotchas
(I could give examples of even worse) – no wonder less than 2% market
penetration after pet health insurance has been in the United States for over 25 years.
Still, the need existing for real
affordable, convenient, no gotcha pet health insurance – and it will be coming
– not because it is the right thing to do --- but because – are you ready for
why --- driver assisted and driverless cars.
It is estimated by the industry itself
– of the $200 billion annual auto insurance property and casualty premiums –
60% or over $120 billion will go away per year over the next 10+ years. And
where else is there a 200 million property and casualty market growing at 5%
that is less than 2% penetrated? At 30% penetration is potentially a $50
billion premium partial replacement that given reduction of lapse of policy
percentage on homeowners policies (another discussion) alone should be
disproportionately be equivalent of more than $50 billion in auto insurance
premiums in terms of profit on this line of business.
So here’s a checklist to consider in
suggesting per health insurance for the most overlooked family member in
personal financial living planning
(1) Strong underlying insurer (still no
ironclad guarantee as we have seen the likes of Mutual Benefit Life, Executive
life but a non rated insurer, C rated, B rated – forget it and the heck with
assurances of ‘a strong reinsurer’ underneath)
(2) Get the complaint ratio of the insurer
from the NAIC website (www.naic.orgon) on the insurer’s property and
casualty business – which should be lower than the average and then multiply by
(3) Take only a yearly deductible – no per
incident, no ‘reasonable and customary definitions,’ and no inner limits per
illness or accident
(4) Have a minimum of $15,000 per year
coverage and replenishment of the $15,000 each year
(5) No hereditary illness exclusions
(6) Coverage as standard of alternative
medicine under the supervision of a veterinarian
I shall leave you with a story but
first a little background.
My yarmulke has a the Star of David
surrounded by four interlocking paws. I am often asked what the symbol stands for
(other than a Jewpee’ to cover my balding spot). Actually, the best way to
explain it ironically is the movie Knight & Day (starring Tom Cruise &
Cameron Diaz) and personal story.
For those who didn’t see this movie, wWith
on hand above his head, Cruise told Diaz – ‘with me’ and taking his hand then
below his waist signaling, ‘without me’ and of course Diaz reversed the
sequence by the end of the movie.
So…three boys were going to the City Line
Center Saturday matinee
movie. Going past Greenhill Rd.
(one way to the movies ((the other via City Line and Haverford Ave in Philly))) they noticed
that the back door to the cinema is ope and there is no one in sight.
Two of the boys sneak into
the theatre without paying. The other boy goes around to the front of the
cinema and pays his admission.
After the movie let out,
the three boys get together again. The two that sneaked in poke fun at the one
who paid saying, 'you dummy. There was no one around to catch us sneaking in. And
we looked left and right, east and west, north and south before sneaking in to
make sure.’
The paying boy replied,
‘but you failed to look up!’ and as well you forgot to look down at your dogs
beside you, who look up to you, and remind you of God above.’
Thank God for dog.
The Most Important Things
In Life Aren’t Things
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