Hyper Chondria© It’s Worrying Causes Up
To 5 Yr Lifespan Reduction
No worries
(Gen X cliché)..
What me worry?
(Alfred E Newman, Mad Magazine)
The Yetzer WORRY is a Jewish genetic inclination
The Yetzer WORRY (a
derivative of the human condition Yetzer MORE
The Yetzer WORRY reinforces and
geometrically compounds:
The Yetzer MORE
Can take 5 years off
of one’s life span
Once the Yetzer
WORRY #1 is
solved, ‘the Yetzer WORRY #2 is promoted
giving rise to in the personal financial realm the following Yetzer MORE excuses:
I’m older now
That was then, this is now
I don’t have the energy
It’s a different world
The demographics have changed
Average middle class income is down
Jim Cramer says
That was then; this is now
The economy is artificial with the Federal
Reserves low interest rates
Social security is a ponzi scheme
And the golden oldie that never gets old, ‘you
don’t understand…I have to make more to have enough which I can’t tell you what
enough is’
a UK
study, worrying - even small stuff may
cause us to worry for up to two hours a day which results in taking up to 5
years off your life not to mention reducing the quality of one’s life &
health with these worrisome
preoccupations. Just think about (when not palliating in an altered state) the
compounding imperative “never ENOUGH” generating & bolstering the
compulsion of MORE MORE MORE beyond ENOUGH aka MORE
Hyper Chondria©.
worry and or its stress controls, according to clinical psychologist Dr. Bart
Rossi stated ‘it could be a killer.’
per the study and subsequent comments in the media, one can treat the symptoms
(i.e. talk about your worries and concern), know the facts to prevent
escalating catastrophizing as Albert Ellis termed it, even list the worries
attempting to determine the cause and how to prevent or minimize the causes,
effects, and discontinue worrying about the past and things one has no control
over (easier said than done).
one can treat – manage – not eliminate - an underlying cause of Yetzer WORRY and its sub-derivative MORE
Hyper Chondria© by:
1. finding/discovering
meaning IN one’s own life (their significance and mission) – enough to live for
2. knowing
what is ENOUGH – enough to live on –
to enable #1 and thus reduce the MORE Hyper Chondria©
Given the
foundation fear of extinction (which man identifies as the body) and pain - the total elimination of the Yetzer WORRY is fantasy as worry can also be
useful in protection and caution.
He crosses his bridges before he comes to them. He gets it from his
Mom, Rhea Schwartz on
my worry at age 8
course, this essayist writes the above recognizing full well recognizing his
own hypocrisy and knowing we teach what we need to learn ourselves. We all self
induce and suffer from & to some extent Yetzer WORRY and MORE hyper Chondriacs© derivative however manifested.
the MORE
hyper Chondriac© phenomena is a dilemma
between reduced longevity and the worry of ‘not having ENOUGH’ is illustrated
by a Jack Benny comedy skit. When Benny was being held up at gunpoint by a
robber, he was given a choice by the bandit who asked,“your money or your
life?” Benny responded, responded, “I’m thinking, I’m thinking.”
If all else fails –get a dog as an AIG study indicates the company of a dog or
dogs increases human lifespan/longevity 7 years – which makes one a plus
2 (+2) in
hockey terms offsetting the Yetzer WORRY& Yetzer MORE’s 5 year deficit.
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