Friday, March 8, 2019

Why The Dow Jones Industrial Average Should Be Split (Like A Stock)

Why The Dow Jones Industrial Average Should Be Split (Like A Stock)

The nominal vs the relative

The nominal gets exaggerated (to extreme hyperbole & catastrophizing by the Financial Pornography Media) versus the relative.
Ok the Dow Jones is down say 500 points.
Whew that's terrible - head to the hills!
But 500 points is but 1.96% on a Dow Jones of 25,500.

Put another way if the Dow was say 1000 and it went down 19.6 points would your panties (pants for the PC police) be in an uproar?

This is the confusion of the nominal with the relative.

So, here is a suggestion  - split the down - I'm sure some mathematician can make this feasible & work - like a stock.
And while they are at it - create another dow jones industrial average - the same one - but adjusted for inflation - to reveal real purchasing power but that's another story

Of course CNBC and the likes lose their blaring headlines (for clicks) etc.
But in context - 1.96% is 1.96% regardless 19.6 points or 500 points as it is a question of the denominator.

And maybe with the lower denominator - people won't need to buy as many Depends.

ps The nominal exaggeration is 'a panting waste'