Thursday, May 25, 2023

Finding Oneself in Torah: Enough Insatiable?


Finding Oneself in Torah #5 Enough Insatiable?


If one has a 100, he wants to convert it into 200;

If 200, he wants to convert it into 400

Midrash Rabbah, Ecclesiastes 1:13


And yet…


Mine is the silver;

Mine is the gold

Ethics of the Fathers 6:9


Shaddai means in Hebrew:

God, God Almighty, God All Sufficient, Enough

ENOUGH (sm) Jewish Personal Financial Planning: aligning meaning with means - the soul of the matter, spiritualizing the material materializing the spiritual to count…healing & managing personal financial anxiety, puttin’ money in its place to transcend elevate connect and align to one’s assignment/significance -what one is meant to do, meant to be -enough to live on,  Enough to live for --the soul of the matter ©


Otherwise, where is there ‘more’?

In the World to Come (Olam Haba --- The Hidden That Awaits?)

 The currency of exchange (shalom) there: authentic character

 CHEWish On This©:

When You Are ‘STUFFED’