Friday, October 11, 2019

Enough In The Material; Not Enough In The Spiritual

Enough In The Material;
 Not Enough In The Spiritual
(A Yom Kippur Eve Reflection on 'The Rebbe’s' Thought)

          “It’s true that our Sages teach (per Ethics of The Fathers 4:1) ‘Who is rich? One who is satisfied with what he has,’ but this applies only to material wealth.. When it comes to spiritual matters, however, a person must never be content with his current state.”
The Rebbe as told to the late Ambassador Yehudah Avner

          Thus, in material matters Enough not More; in spiritual matters More not enough – not contentment.
          Last point, it is God who is referred to also as Shaddai (God, God Almighty, Enough). And when Jacob (Yaakov) finally confronted with Esau – he gave Esau riches (though initially Esau demurred). Responding to Esau as to why Yaakov would give Esau such lavish gifts (when Esau was already wealthy), Yaakov responded, ‘I have plenty – enough.’
          When all is said and done materially and spiritually in this world, it is Hashem who is was & always will be Shaddai – ‘enough.’