Monday, August 26, 2019

Stock Market Averages Reporting: Personal Financial Pornography

Stock Market Averages Reporting: Personal Financial Pornography

Bull markets end with a whimper – not a bang
Old stock market cliche

          The mainstream print & broadcast media, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC blare headlines and screeches again when the Dow Jones Average was down 600+ points and at one point 800+ points during the day.
          The world was coming to an end – and at least a precursor (to fit their anti-trump narrative of Paul Revering ‘a recession is coming a recession is coming).
          Now 600 or even 800 points on a Dow Jones of 26,000 is 2.3% or 3% respectively. But 600 points – 800 points screams ‘Katy bar the door hold on to your 401k for dear life.’
          To put things in perspective – if the Dow Jones Avg was split to reflect a Dow 1000 – a 2.3% and a 3% drop would indicate a point loss of 23 or 30 points.
          Do you think a 23 point or 30 point nominal loss would get screaming print headlines let alone high pitched concern with graphics on cable & the broadcast media? Yet, 23 and 30 point loss would be the same relative loss as 600 and 800 points on a Dow Jones 26,000?

And the same Financial Pornographic Media calls Professional Wrestling Fake?

Friday, August 23, 2019

ENOUGH(sm) – Jewish Personal Financial Planning vs Personal Financial Planners Life Planning Definitions

Definition: ENOUGH(sm) – Jewish Personal Financial Planning‘healing personal financial anxiety, puttin’ money in its place, to elevate, align & connect to one’s signification/assignment, what one is meant to do, meant to be – enough to live for; enough to live on

(1)    ENOUGH(sm) – Jewish Personal Financial Planning connects’ one’s means with meaning – beginning first with meaning  and secondly determining the ‘means’ requirements (not the other way around) or better yet
(2)    ENOUGH(sm) – Jewish Personal Financial Planning harmonizing meaning and means.

The above is in contrast to those in so called personal financial life planning who start their definition with aligning means to meaning as this approach has the cup (the means) more important than the coffee (meaning) though the alliteration sounds good.
Meaning first - means second.
When there is a why (meaning) - the how(means) becomes easier.
When the how (means) is first rather than just a constraint (i.e. within limits) --- the why (meaning) is often just a rationalization 

Alignment/aligning is a 'with' - whereas harmonizing is AND with the priority first on meaning and second on means versus the reverse.