Saturday, February 6, 2021

Bashert, Meant & Meaning To COUNT!


Bashert, Meant & Meaning To COUNT!

 Aligning means with meaning – for what is meant to do & meant to be to count!

 Meant – destined preordained intended predestined, obliged, supposed to 

 Meaning – significance, value, worth, importance

          ENOUGH(sm) Personal Financial Planning has evolved in definition over the past 46 years from:

 ·         (1975) clientele realizable goal determination coordinated with orderly plans for the achievement of the desired goals and payoffs

·         (2000 or so) healing personal financial anxiety

·         (2015) “ENOUGH(sm)” – Jewish Personal Financial Planning – healing personal financial anxiety, puttin’ money in its place, to transcend, connect & align to one’s assignment/signification – what one was meant to do; meant to be – enough live for; enough to live one

·         2018 (Shaddai) ENOUGH Personal Financial Planningaligning means with meaning…. healing personal financial anxiety, puttin’ money in its place, to transcend, connect & align to one’s assignment/signification – what one was meant to do; meant to be – enough live for; enough to live one:

·         2021 (Shaddai) ENOUGH Personal Financial Life Planningaligning means with meaning to countfor what one was meant to do meant to be enough to live on enough to live for.

 Bashert = meant to be the literal translation from Yiddish is “destiny.” (these days modified to mean one’s soul mate)


  • Judaic belief is that each has a spark of the divine (regardless how deeply buried)
  • We are here to continue to complete the incompletions of our soul – with God given capacities which are up to us to develop into capabilities and manifest into what we are meant to do and meant to be…. Bashert

 Aligning means with meaning is but a tool in the process of  materializing and manifesting one’s  bashert – the meant to be – one’s  meant to do – during the soul’s short visit here and thus answering man’s will to meaning (Frankl)  – for (per Heschel) the meaning of all meaning of all meanings (Hashem)

 Matchmaking Yentas Optional