Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Torah Portions Confirming God as Shaddai (Enough)

Torah Portions Confirming
God as Shaddai (Enough)

          Per Exodus 16, a manna portion was provided to each Hebrew  daily, twice on Friday – as no manna would provided on Shabbat. Further’more,’ if a Hebrew gathered more than needed (‘for a rainy day’ just in case in reserve?) – the extra would rot with maggots. (1) There is Midrash (Rabbinical JEWbonics – to fill in the blanks) that individually the manna tasted to each Hebrew as desired (i.e. Roast Beef au Jews, Arby’s, Domino’s, and of course A Whopper™ from Burger King Judaism franchise).

          Thus, the manna represents that it is Hashem that provides – and provides what is required. More than what is required becomes adulterated – maggot infested of trying to have more than what Hashem provided and is a test for the Hebrew’s faith that Hashem is ‘enough.’

          After avoiding, praying, even getting ready to fight – splitting the family’s ranks – should Esau attack, Jacob/Israel prevails in giving a huge gift (tribute/bribe/reparation depending on JEWbonics) to Esau. Initially Esau  demurred accepting stating ‘I have plenty’ to which Jacob as Israel replied ‘I have all.’
          All is Shaddai – Shaddai is Enough - in this Torah portion context.

          At the Passover Seder, there are several customs and rituals which are unique i.e: “matzah (the eating of unleavened bread); maror (the eating of bitter herbs); chametz (abstention from eating leaven); b’iur chametz (removal of leaven from the home); and haggadah (participation in the seder meal and telling the story).” There is a  6th & 7th custom family bickering as well as the singing of the song Dayenu.
Each lyric of the song Dayenu begins with the word dayenu. And dayenu – means and invokes ‘it was enough, it was enough!’ in the context of it was enough that God did – what God did – what Shaddai provided….

          The MOREal of the juxtaposition of these three stories from Torah : Hashem in providing daily manna, Hashem in destroying storage of the manna for a rainy day of manna, Hashem as ‘all,’ and Hashem as Dayenu - demonstrates that Hashem is Shaddai – is ‘God, God Almighty, God All Sufficient, ENOUGH.’

          It only took 43 years of practicing, writing, philosophizing about Enough to come to this insight  – which is 3 years beyond what the Hebrews endured in the desert.

(1)- The two loaves of Challah on Shabbat is a custom derived from the double portion of manna allowed for the day before and day of shabbat

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