Friday, December 7, 2018

Chanukah, Joseph & Ketogenics

Reprise & Update: Miketz: Joseph, The Financial Crisis & Hanukkah

Cowabunga, Buffalo Bob
Howdy Doody Show

In the Torah portion, Mi-ketz, per the Pharaoh’s dream and David’s inspired interpretation, the 7 emaciated cows (representing 7 years of famine) ate the seven fatted cows (symbolizing for 7 years of prosperity) without gaining any weight – establishing germination of the Atkins weight loss diet plan(Schwartz).
2018 update: actually it was also the first Ketogenic Diet.

Holy cow!
Cubs Broadcaster Harry Carey

The Judaic Koan (not Cohen) is all is foreseen yet one has free will.
The 7 prosper years followed by the 7 years of famine was foreseen. Some would say preordained. Yet, Joseph’s faithful actions of storing grain for the 7 lean years is evidence of free choice within the predetermined.
Joseph could have:

·         Done nothing
·         Suggested hedonism
·         Interpreted the dream differently

Of course, there will be hard core determinists who state even Joseph’s recommendation was predetermined. (If so, then determinists why incarcerate criminals as their actions are predetermined per your argument against compatabilism?)
          The present financial crisis (2007) was not without dreams of 7 fatted and 7 gaunt cows. The difference was the actions chosen taken before and since this current challenge.

The ‘Genesis’ of the present financial meltdown was the matchstick of ‘no half sheckel’ – no skin in the game. (2018 Update as well and more importantly NO SOUL IN THE GAME.) The domino effect aside, without ‘skin in the game’ (nor soul in the game!)– ‘a half sheckel’ - foreclosure is an easy option for this type of ‘owner.’
 If the ‘owner’ had 20% of his or her hard earned money/sheckels – skin in the game (instead of 0% or near 0%)– as an original down payment, the house worth less than paid for originally or not, subprime or reset loan being loan modified or not, would the ‘owner’ so easily take a foreclosure or more prone to OWN UP to his or her responsibility??? (1)

No grain was stored during prosperity for the lean years in housing. (Retropective Update: Storing went – against the grain – of immediate gratification) -

Via the Almighty’s inspiration, Joseph foresaw the 7 lean years (famine) following the 7 years of prosperity per the interpretations of both the cow and corn stalk dreams. Making a free (without restraint as Viceroy) willed choice (choosing the desire of enduring tomorrow at the sacrifice of today), Joseph, understanding Enough in contrast to More (2) made provision to endure the downturn storing grain. Rather than managing assets for (More) today and tomorrow– he managed the goal (Enough)– to survive, thrive and even prosper (enriching the Pharaoh further ironically) during the projected lean (unbearable) years.

In financial planning, despite client’s protests of ‘lazy assets with low returns,’ I have suggested, in the past, a minimum of 2 years of living expenses in money markets as well as paying off their house regardless of the Dow making all time records. Herein was the ‘lean cow reasoning’:  to be able to endure the inevitable downturns without having to sacrifice at fire sale and emotional craziness otherwise valuable assets and more importantly their goals. Afterall, why ‘sacrifice’ what you need (Enough) for what you don’t need (More).
Most listened begrudgingly (given the acculturation of a culture of Acquisition r Us – my dog’s bigger than your dog Moreonic thinking). Inoculating with continual ‘drive by naggings’ about Enough (2), most despite their repeated rebuttal objections of “mortgage interest is deductible, and I can get a higher return on my assets” acceded to avoid continual naggings and the dreaded Schwartz, ‘I told you so’ (3) moreso than due to the wisdom of Enough.
Those who didn’t (More-ons) are now, unfortunately, getting a hard Less-on. (4) (It is surprising to me, though out of practice 12 years, that I haven’t been blamed with the More-on complaint of ‘yes, you warned, but it’s your fault – you were not persuasive ‘enough’ yet.)

And now, like the majority of overleveraged Americans, a few have their ass-ets in a crack – their goals jeopardized and failed, scapegoating all except themselves.

Enough to live on; Enough to live for.
ENOUGH, Schwartz

Acquisition may palliate for a while, but it can’t eliminate bodily extinction and the fear thereof. Acquisition of More through it attempts to elongate the anesthesia with ever increasing (More) dosages to get the same palliation and avoidance fails despite more toys, bigger toys to avoid toying with the under lying fear of bodily extinction which is identified as ‘oneself’- ‘my sense of self.’ (I am I because I have……). Having does not endure being – except character.

Assuming faith, there is one thing, a person can take with himself – character – completed, refined, tested.…
Not MORE toys, acquisitions– but character.
Not ‘MORE than’ compared to another – but character derived from the tests (nes) of moral free willed choices(5)

After the leaves have fallen, we return
To a plain sense of things…
The great structure has become a minor house
Wallace Stevens, The Plain Sense of Things

Thus, when the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box.

So now, the emaciated, withered, wasted cows have come home to moo, Reverend Wrong – and many MORE-ONS are ‘eating the moo,’ as we use to say in Philly -
Having a cow! – per Bart Simpson
Cowabunga! – per Chief Thunderthud on Howdy Doo-dy.
More for more’s sake – a Howdy Doo-dy Don’t
Enough – a Howdy Doody Do

Tonight is Erev Hanukkah – celebrating the festival of light. Having but 1 days portion of oil for light – the light lasted 8 days as the Maccabees defeated the enemy. The miracle of lights?: Enlightening – as less can become Enough.
Miketz, Enough, Hanukkah: –  questions and tests of character.

(1)  - the unholy public policy of enabling liberal democrat pandering criminals who lit the matchstick. As the saying goes, you don’t give a kid a firecracker and not expect him to light it – nor a subprime mortgage.
(2)  – here is the one case where ‘over’ vaccination was necessary given the continual, recurrent, overwhelming backdrop of More Influenza
(3)  – as my father would say, ‘a big person wouldn’t run it saying I told you so.’ I’m short.
(4)  – More, Better, Now, in time, becomes Less, Worse, Later © Jim Schwartz

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