Sunday, September 8, 2019

Personal Financial Pornography in The Cable Media II

Personal Financial Pornography in The Cable Media II

From:james schwartz (
Date:Thursday, September 5, 2019, 8:35 AM MDT

Chaleria/Haleria – Yiddish "wreck," in the phrase "nervous choleria." A person who behaves wildly or badly.

On August 14th, during the day, the Dow Jones was as much as 800 points 3% closing down 800 points to 25,479.

The financial cable media (CNBC, Bloomberg & even Fox Business to a lesser extent) - was in a chorus - dread, horror, the world is coming to an end. If the Dow Jones was 1000 and the market was down 30 - would the financial cable media be in a lockstep ready to slit its collective wrists?

And yet today the Dow Jones on 9/5/2019 is up over 400 points to 26650 or up 1171 points since the market was 25,479 down 800 points.

Where is the champagne and hallelujahs in the cable financial media's reporting when the market is up 1171 points (oh, that's right the media, in particular, The New York Times, Washington Post are talking up recession, recession, recession for their political agenda)?

When there is a market decline - it is typically faster than the market recovering and going up and past the decline.

The stupidity of the cable financial media - is breathtaking - personal financial pornography.

Where is the scorecard - and accountability on the more, more more MOREonic pornographic financial media - crying less, less, less - the world is coming to an end - being wrong, wrong, wrong. Where is the termination of these either idiots or agenda driven per their political persuasion so called journalists?

There probable response: if it bleeds it leads blaming all but themselves.

The Personal Financial Media Pornographers – Chalerias.

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