Sunday, December 4, 2016

Yoda The Goldsmith: Financial Planning’s Lamp Lighting Failure to Ignite”

 Yoda The Goldsmith:  
Financial Planning’s Lamp Lighting Failure to Ignite

            “A goldsmith had an apprentice. When he finished teaching him the craft, he wrote down for his student all the steps in the process. However, he did not write down that he had to ignite the coals before he started, because that was the main thing, and unnecessary to mention. However, the student forgot (and unable to produce results – jds)
            This parable is easily understood. The main thing (in serving G-d - & in the profane in serving the client-jds) is that there be a spark of fire that can be (or is to be aligned to  jds)  ignited.”
Ben Poras Yosef, p119b (with apologies from jds)

            Given the compounding failure to ignite effect of the MOREon acculturated personal financial planning heuristic (*) without alignment to meaning IN one’s life,  efficiency will prevail over effectiveness thus carrying ‘coals to New Castle.’  Result: the wrong thing (ineffective), at best, will be done well (efficiently).
            Things not worth doing are not worth doing well or as Burlesque Queen Gypsy Rose Lee said, things worth doing are worth doing slowly.

            And so while the MOREon personal financial planner pitches alchemy what is produced is dross (which douses rather than ignites).

(*) MOREon personal financial planning heuristic: more, better, now –ironically has a habit of becoming less, worse, later – metaphorically resulting in ‘coal in the stock-ings & bonds’).

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